Leetcode 1360 Solution
This article provides solution to leetcode question 1360 (maximum-length-of-a-concatenated-string-with-unique-characters).
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Leetcode Question Link
class Solution:
def maxLength(self, arr) -> int:
def get_bitmap(s):
res = 0
for ch in s:
bit = 1 << (ord(ch) - ord('a'))
if (res & bit) != 0:
return None, None
res |= bit
return res, len(s)
bitmaps = []
for ele in arr:
bitmap, cnt = get_bitmap(ele)
if bitmap is None:
bitmaps.append((bitmap, cnt))
ans = 0
def dfs(curr, i, cnt):
nonlocal bitmaps
nonlocal ans
if i == len(bitmaps):
ans = max(ans, cnt)
bitmap, local_cnt = bitmaps[i]
if (bitmap & curr) == 0:
dfs(bitmap | curr, i + 1, cnt + local_cnt)
dfs(curr, i + 1, cnt)
dfs(0, 0, 0)
return ans